Senin, 20 Juni 2011

My Story Telling wit the title "Old woman and the fish"

Once upon the time, there lived an old woman, Aminah. She lived in the village near the forest. She is very old, but still she must go to the forest every day. She must collect the stem of wood in the forest and she must sell them in the market.
One day, she went to the forest to find some wood. After collecting the wood, she tried to go home. She must cross the wide river. When she walked in the river, she heard the voice. “ What happened?” asked the woman.
She tried to find the source of the voice. And finally, she found many fish in the river. The river has no water, so the woman could see all fish in the river. She thought she could take the fish and bring home to eat. And she also thought that she could sell the fish in the market. “Oh, I can take the fish and I can enjoy them for my dinner at home, Alhamdulillah..” Said Aminah.
Aminah tried to take the fish, but suddenly, she heard the voice again. In fact, the voice was from the fish. “Oh all fish speak and they all pray to Allah SWT.” Said Aminah
“Ya Allah, please give us raining! the river has enough water and we all can live!” said the fish.
They are noisy, pray and pray. Aminah was very surprised.
She always asked to herself why the fish pray to ask raining to the God.
After, sometime, there was heavy raining. All things wet. Aminah’s clothes was also wet. And the river now has much water. 
“Alhamdulillah, now we can swim and live said the fish” said the fish. And all fish swim and live happily in the river.
Aminah was very surprised. And she could learn from the fish. She thought that fish prayed and Allah gave them raining. “I will pray all the night to Allah SWT, because I want to live prosperously” said Aminah..
Finally, Aminah went home and after pray Isya, she always pray and crying. She pray all the time of the night. That’s made her neighbor, Bari was very angry. He said” You are very old. Please be quite. Don’t cry and pray. It is very noise! Stop praying! “said the man..
But Aminah kept on praying. Finally, Bari collected the stone and put them in the sack. While Aminah prayed in the midlle of night, Bari tried to climb Aminah’s house. He climb to the roof. And he fall the sack full of stone and broken glasses. The sack fallen to the old woman. And she cried, “oh…help me…I am sick”. And the neighbor tried to help. 
After, she got recovered, she tried to see in the sack. And she was very surprised, the content of the sack was changed to gold and much money.
“Oh, the God, gives me gold and much money, Alhamdulillah. I have to give to orphan and the poor.”said the Aminah. And she become the rich woman.
Bari, the angry neighbor, tried to do the same as the old woman did. And he tried to pray with the noise the all night. And he Asked his friend Bandi to fall the sack full of stone and broken glasses. But unfortunately, the content of the sack did not change to gold and money. He got sick because of the sack, and the old woman helped him.
Thank you very much.

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